Democrats move to impeach Trump: vote next week.

Congressional Democrats were moving closer to a historic step on Friday as they weighed impeaching President Donald Trump for a second time, over the US Capitol siege, while his cabinet colleagues and White House staffers resigning the way rats desert a sinking ship. A Democratic House leader told CNN Friday that the impeachment vote is planned for next week as his false claims of election fraud helped encourage a mob breach the U.S. parliament. Top Democratic leaders, including House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, called for immediate impeachment proceedings if Vice President Mike Pence and Trump's Cabinet refused to take steps to remove Trump from power. "The president's dangerous and seditious acts necessitate his immediate removal from office," they said in a statement on Thursday evening, accusing Trump of inciting an "insurrection." As calls for his ouster mounted on Thursday, Trump released a video in which he denounced the violence that has left five people dead. The Republican president came the closest yet to conceding his loss in the Nov. 3 presidential election, promising to ensure a smooth transition to a "new administration." President-elect Joe Biden, a Democrat, is set to be sworn in on Jan. 20. Trump's words were in stark contrast to his speech on Wednesday, when he exhorted a crowd of thousands to descend upon the Capitol as Congress met to certify Biden's election victory. Rioters stormed the building, overwhelming police and forcing authorities to transport lawmakers to secure locations for their own safety. A Capitol police officer died from injuries sustained in the assault, the force said late on Thursday. A woman protester was fatally shot by the authorities, and three people died from medical emergencies. With less than two weeks left in Trump's term, it was not clear whether enough time remained to complete the impeachment process. Pelosi has not announced a decision, though she made clear at a news conference that rank-and-file Democrats in her caucus were clamouring for action in the wake of Wednesday's siege. If impeached in the House, Trump would theoretically face trial in the Republican-controlled Senate, which is scheduled to be in recess until Jan. 19. Aides to Mitch McConnell, the majority leader, have not said what he would do if the House approves articles of impeachment. The Democratic-led House impeached Trump in December 2019 for pressuring the...

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