Dhaka seeks proactive global support to manage Rohingya, climate refugees.

Bangladesh needs proactive international support for managing the forcibly displaced Rohingya as well as climate refugees, Foreign minister Dr AK Abdul Momen said Saturday. 'We need effective and proactive support from the international community to manage this huge displacement,' he said. Dr Momen mentioned that Bangladesh has the firsthand experience of all these types as the country is hosting 1.1 million Rohingyas who were forcibly displaced from their ancestral home and a good number of its population is regularly displaced due to erratic climate changes every year. The foreign minister was speaking virtually at the 13th Global Forum of Migration and Development, host by the United Arab Emirates (UAE), reports BSS. He said the GFMD had significance and uniqueness that provide a voluntary, non- binding and government-led process to discuss all possible solutions related to migration. Noting that shared responsibility, cooperation and inclusiveness are critical in addressing challenges to effective migration...

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