Directorate Of Ports And Coasts (DPC) Publishes Ordinance Regulating Containers' Weighing Rules

The Directorate of Ports and Coasts (DPC) published on 30/05/2015, the Ordinance No.164, which defines the rules for determining the gross mass of loaded containers to be shipped in the Brazilian territory.

The ordinance meets the determinations of the Resolution MSC.380(94) of the International Maritime Organization - IMO, which takes effect as of July 1st, 2016, and alters the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), by laying down the shippers' obligation to verify the containers gross mass or "VGM" prior to the shipment and inform the shipowner.

The SOLAS alteration, according to the IMO, aimed at increasing the safety of navigation, given that overweight containers have been contributing for the occurrence of accidents.

The DPC ordinance applies to all containers to be shipped in the Brazilian territory for export or cabotage, on ships subject to meeting the SOLAS requirements.

Two verification methods of containers gross mass are provided for to be used by the shipper or by a third party hired by the shipper (i) weighting of the container loaded with a certified equipment; (ii) individual weighing of each one of the goods to be stuffed with a certified equipment, increased by the weight of packaging materials and the container tare, in order to obtain the final weight.

The second method cannot be used for cargoes whose method be inappropriate and impracticable for said cargoes, such as grains in bulk, metal shavings, and other bulk cargoes.

The weighing of individual packaging sealed at the origin whose packaging and cargo items mass had been clearly and permanently determined in its surface is not necessary.

The shipper will be responsible for obtaining and informing...

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