Free distribution of textbooks.

Like in the previous years, schoolchildren from Class I to IX all over the country have received their textbooks distributed by the government free of cost on time this year as well. The government deserves high appreciation for this. It is all the more so as the government completed the task despite the global pandemic's onslaught on life and livelihood since March last year. To be able to prepare the books and distribute them among 4.5 crore primary and secondary students free of cost is no mean feat and demonstrates government's commitment and determination to continue this programme no matter what the circumstances. Even at a time when everything goes normal, all this is regarded as an uphill task. Hence, as the government has done the job in a coronavirus-driven new normal, we should extend a great applause to it. Meanwhile, although this year such a happy event did not see the usual festivity and fanfare it does every year due to the pandemic restrictions, just getting these books have brought smiles to the children. The incumbents introduced the textbook- distribution programme soon after their assumption of power in 2009, that too in defiance of apprehensions predicted by many experts, national and international, that it may hold back many development programmes crucial for the economic growth. But the ground reality is that the programme, a reflection of the compliance with the incumbents' election pledge to address the rich-poor gap in education in particular, has so far continued without break. Moreover, the way the books have been distributed displays the sensible and careful steps taken by the government to avoid further spread of the virus. Instead of the usual book festival, the formal inauguration by the Prime Minister took place through videoconferencing from the Ganobhaban. To avoid...

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