Google Refuses To Submit Itself To The Scrutiny Of English Courts

An action against the California-based Internet giant, Google, was recently brought in the English courts. The individuals, supported by the campaign group known as Safari Users Against Google's Secret Tracking, claim that the search engine provider bypassed the security settings on their Apple iPhones and Mac computers in order to track their online behaviour without their knowledge. Google denied any wrongdoing and disputed English courts' jurisdiction over the case, arguing that it should be heard in California.

The browser used by the individuals in question was set to block cookies, small text files put on users' computers to track their online behaviour. However, the claimants and the campaign group claim that Google exploited a loophole in the Safari browser to disable Safari settings without informing the users. The claim against Google covers breach of confidence and privacy, non-compliance with UK Data Protection Act 1998, computer misuse and trespass.

Google has denied any wrongdoing and claims that it collected no personal data. The Internet giant, however, has already been issued with a $22.5 million fine by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in context of the same behaviour in the United States. The FTC decided that bypassing Safari's security settings constituted a breach of its previous order that Google would not misrepresent “the extent to which consumers can exercise control over the collection of their information.”

Google refused to accept service of the lawsuit in the UK, claiming the English courts have no jurisdiction over the lawsuit, on the basis that the software powering its services is located in California...

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