John Anis, for and on behalf of Dumuna Akiki Clan of Damaende Village, Nahu Rawa LLG, Rai Coast District, Madang Province and Simon T Mackerell, for and on behalf of Oimoku Dumna Tribe, of Goviro Village, Nahu Rawa LLG, Rai Coast District, Madang Province and Sawen Moli, for and on behalf of Taupi Clan of Ramu Village, Ward 1, Ranara, Tauta Sub-District, Rai Coast District, Madang Province and Ruben Traive, for and on behalf of Renofi Clan, Henganofi District, Eastern Highlands Province v Nabura Morissa, for and on behalf of Bumbu, Bopirumpu, Mususam & Sankiang Villages, Usino-Bundi District, Madang Province and Jeremiah Singomat, Provincial Land Court Magistrate and The Independent State of Papua New Guinea and Ramu Agri Industries Limited (2011) N4307

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
Citation(2011) N4307
Date03 June 2011
Docket NumberOS NOs 598, 613, 617 & 668 of 2008
CourtNational Court

Full Title: OS NOs 598, 613, 617 & 668 of 2008; John Anis, for and on behalf of Dumuna Akiki Clan of Damaende Village, Nahu Rawa LLG, Rai Coast District, Madang Province and Simon T Mackerell, for and on behalf of Oimoku Dumna Tribe, of Goviro Village, Nahu Rawa LLG, Rai Coast District, Madang Province and Sawen Moli, for and on behalf of Taupi Clan of Ramu Village, Ward 1, Ranara, Tauta Sub-District, Rai Coast District, Madang Province and Ruben Traive, for and on behalf of Renofi Clan, Henganofi District, Eastern Highlands Province v Nabura Morissa, for and on behalf of Bumbu, Bopirumpu, Mususam & Sankiang Villages, Usino-Bundi District, Madang Province and Jeremiah Singomat, Provincial Land Court Magistrate and The Independent State of Papua New Guinea and Ramu Agri Industries Limited (2011) N4307

National Court: Cannings J

Judgment Delivered: 3 June 2011


JUDICIAL REVIEW—review of proceedings of Provincial Land Court hearing appeal against decision of Local Land Court under Land Disputes Settlement Act Chapter No 45—whether Provincial Land Court deliberated on grounds of appeal—whether Provincial Land Court erred in law in awarding ownership under Land Disputes Settlement Act, s67 (presumption as to vesting of interests)—whether Provincial Land Court decision unreasonable.

The applicants sought judicial review by the National Court of a decision of the Provincial Land Court, which had dismissed appeals by them against a decision of the Local Land Court, in favour of the first respondent. Three grounds of judicial review were pressed. It was argued that the Provincial Land Court erred in law by: (1) not determining the grounds of appeal before it; (2) misapplying s67 of the Land Disputes Settlement Act; and (3) making a decision that no court doing justice would make.


(1) The Provincial Land Court did not clearly address and determine the grounds of appeal in the notice of appeal against the decision of the Local Land Court, the result being that it exceeded its jurisdiction and erred in law. Ground 1 of the review was upheld.

(2) The Provincial Land Court interpreted and applied s67 in a conventional way, consistent with the principles in the landmark decision of Amet J, as he then was, sitting in the Land Titles Commission in Re Hides Gas Project Land [1993] PNGLR 309. Ground 2 of the review was dismissed.

(3) The Provincial Land Court failed to address and determine a critical ground of appeal, viz that the decision of the Local Land Court (constituted by a magistrate and two mediators) that was formally recorded did not reflect the fact that two members of the Court disagreed with that decision. The Provincial Land Court’s decision, in that sense, was unreasonable. Ground 3 of the review was upheld.

(4) As two grounds of review were upheld the Provincial Land Court’s decision was quashed and the applicants’ appeal against the Local Land Court decision reinstated.

Cases cited

Papua New Guinea cases

Commissioner General of Internal Revenue of Taxes v Bougainville Copper Ltd (2008) SC920; Dale Christopher Smith v Minister for Lands (2009) SC973; Paul Dopsie v Jerry Tetaga, Chairman, Public Services Commission (2009) N3722; Isaac Lupari v Sir Michael Somare (2008) N3476; Jack Afing v Martin Pari (2006) N3034; Jack Nou v Richard Cherake (2004) N2539; Martina Jimmy v Kevemuki Clan (2010) N4101; Mision Asiki v Manasupe Zurenuoc (2005) SC797; Papua Club Inc v Nusaum Holdings Ltd (2005) SC812; PNG Forest Authority v Iare Tribe (2008) N4022; Re Hides Gas Project Land [1993] PNGLR 309; Ronny Wabia v BP Exploration Operating Co Ltd [1998] PNGLR 8; Paul Saboko v Commissioner of Police (2006) N2975; Tawindi Clan v Kaimari Clan (1998) N1775; The Application of Ambra Nii on behalf of Himself and Other Members of the Toisap Clan [1991] PNGLR 357; The State v District Land Court, Kimbe; Ex Parte Caspar Nuli [1981] PNGLR 192

Overseas Cases

Associated Provincial Picture Houses Ltd v Wednesbury Corporation [1948] 1 KB 223


This was a review by the National Court of the decision of a Provincial Land Court sitting on appeal under the Land Disputes Settlement Act Chapter No 45 against a decision of the Local Land Court.

1. CANNINGS J: This is a ruling on an application for judicial review of the decision of the Madang Provincial Land Court, constituted by his Worship, Mr Jeremiah Singomat, dated 1 September 2008, concerning ownership of customary land near the Ramu Sugar estate, Madang Province. The boundaries of the disputed land are not in question: south of the Gusap River, extending to the north of Surinam River, extending to the east up to the foot and on to the Naho Rawa Hills of the Finisterre Range. A small portion of the land has been under cultivation for 30 years.

2. The Provincial Land Court’s decision was to dismiss appeals by the various clans and tribes represented by the four applicants, John Anis, Simon T Mackerell, Sawen Moli and Ruben Traive, against a decision of the Local Land Court, constituted by Local Land Court Magistrate his Worship, Mr Ignatius Kurei, and Land Mediators, Mr Anis Animor and Mr David Harry, dated 30 March 2007. The Local Land Court decision was in favour of the first respondent, Nabura Morissa, and various clans and tribes he represents, who are called the Mari people.

3. The appeal to the Provincial Land Court was made pursuant to s54 of the Land Disputes Settlement Act. Under s60 of that Act a decision of a Provincial Land Court on an appeal “is final and is not subject to appeal”. However, that does not rule out a review. Under s155(3)(a) of the Constitution, the National Court “has an inherent power to review any exercise of judicial authority”. It is well established that the National Court has power to review decisions of Provincial Land Courts (The State v District Land Court at Kimbe; ex parte Casper Nuli [1981] PNGLR 192; Jack Nou v Richard Cherake, Magistrate, Provincial Land Court, Port Moresby (2004) N2539; Jack Afing v Martin Pari (2006) N3034; Martina Jimmy v Kevemuki Clan (2010) N4101).


4. Leave was granted to argue seven grounds of review but at the hearing of the application for judicial review it was conceded by Mr Kunai, for the first applicant, that a number of them overlapped, so they were reduced to three. It was argued that the Provincial Land Court erred in law by:

1 not determining the grounds of appeal before it;

2 misapplying s67 of the Land Disputes Settlement Act; and

3 making a decision that no court doing justice would make.

5. If any of the grounds are upheld the applicants want the Court to quash the Provincial Land Court’s order and to declare that they are the customary owners of the disputed land.


6. The applicants’ notice of appeal against the decision of the Local Land Court raised three grounds of appeal:

• Ground No 1: that the Local Land Court exceeded its jurisdiction by (a) failing to ‘eliminate third parties’ from the hearing; (b) failing to acknowledge that the applicants were the original inhabitants of the disputed land and giving too much prominence to the concept of “interest” in land under s67 of the Land Disputes Settlement Act; and (c) giving priority to foreign concepts of land ownership over the concepts prescribed by the Land Disputes Settlement Act.

• Ground No 2: that the Local Land Court conducted its hearing contrary to the principles of natural justice by (a) refusing to inspect the applicants’ burial sites and villages; (b) restricting the rights of the applicants to challenge evidence given by other parties about customary sites; and (c) allowing affidavits of third parties to be admitted into evidence despite them being incomplete or not served and allowing late submission of documents by the first respondent.

• Ground No 3: that the Local Land Court made a decision that no court doing justice between the parties would have made, in that (a) the decision of the Local Land Court (constituted by a magistrate and two mediators) that was formally recorded was contrary to s23(3) of the Land Disputes Settlement Act as it did not reflect the fact that two members of the court made decisions contrary to the formally recorded decision; and (b) the decisions of the two Land Mediators were not annexed to the decision of the Local Land Court, contrary to what the decision itself stated.

7. The question that arises now is whether the Provincial Land Court determined those grounds of appeal.

8. Ground 1(a)—that the Local Land Court exceeded its jurisdiction by failing to eliminate third parties—was alluded to at page 4 of Mr Singomat’s 16-page judgment. The question was posed ‘Was it proper … for the Court to...

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8 practice notes
  • Felix Alai on behalf of the Anosos Clan of Tumleo Island v Nakot Waina Maso Apai & Moses Rowai and Conrad C Karo and the Independent State of Papua New Guinea (2012) N4773
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 24 August 2012
    ...was not met: (e) no undue delay. Leave was accordingly refused. Cases cited The following cases are cited in the judgment: Anis v Morissa (2011) N4307; Jack Afing v Martin Pari (2006) N3034; Jack Nou v Richard Cherake (2004) N2539; Leto Darius v The Commissioner of Police (2001) N2046; Loui......
  • Gima Raka v Philip Maimu
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 3 May 2013
    ...following cases are cited in the judgment: Application of Ambra Nii on behalf of Toisap Clan [1991] PNGLR 357 John Anis v Nabura Morissa (2011) N4307 Kely Kerua v Council Appeal Committee of the University of Papua New Guinea (2004) N2534 Martina Jimmy v Kevemuki Clan (2010) N4101 Meriba To......
  • Nathan Koti v David Susame
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 13 February 2015
    ...Provincial Land Court, Port Moresby (2004) N2539 John Anis on behalf of Dumuna Akiki Clan v Nabura Morrisa on behalf of Mari Group & Ors (2011) N4307 John Anis on behalf of Dumuna Akiki Clan v Nabura Morrisa on behalf of Mari Group & his Worship Regget Marum OS 117 of 2004, 21.07.05 unrepor......
  • The State v Doma Wesley
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 24 October 2012
    ...following cases are cited in the judgment: Application of Ambra Nii on behalf of Toisap Clan [1991] PNGLR 357 John Anis v Nabura Morissa (2011) N4307 Kely Kerua v Council Appeal Committee of the University of Papua New Guinea (2004) N2534 Martina Jimmy v Kevemuki Clan (2010) N4101 Meriba To......
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8 cases
  • Felix Alai on behalf of the Anosos Clan of Tumleo Island v Nakot Waina Maso Apai & Moses Rowai and Conrad C Karo and the Independent State of Papua New Guinea (2012) N4773
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 24 August 2012
    ...was not met: (e) no undue delay. Leave was accordingly refused. Cases cited The following cases are cited in the judgment: Anis v Morissa (2011) N4307; Jack Afing v Martin Pari (2006) N3034; Jack Nou v Richard Cherake (2004) N2539; Leto Darius v The Commissioner of Police (2001) N2046; Loui......
  • Gima Raka v Philip Maimu
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 3 May 2013
    ...following cases are cited in the judgment: Application of Ambra Nii on behalf of Toisap Clan [1991] PNGLR 357 John Anis v Nabura Morissa (2011) N4307 Kely Kerua v Council Appeal Committee of the University of Papua New Guinea (2004) N2534 Martina Jimmy v Kevemuki Clan (2010) N4101 Meriba To......
  • Nathan Koti v David Susame
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 13 February 2015
    ...Provincial Land Court, Port Moresby (2004) N2539 John Anis on behalf of Dumuna Akiki Clan v Nabura Morrisa on behalf of Mari Group & Ors (2011) N4307 John Anis on behalf of Dumuna Akiki Clan v Nabura Morrisa on behalf of Mari Group & his Worship Regget Marum OS 117 of 2004, 21.07.05 unrepor......
  • Gador Salub v Makurai Luedi
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • 11 November 2016
    ...Application of Ambra Nii on behalf of Toisap Clan [1991] PNGLR 357 Gima Raka v Philip Maimu (2013) N5200 John Anis v Nabura Morissa (2011) N4307 Re Hides Gas Project Land [1993] PNGLR 309 Re Wangaramut (No 2) [1969-70] PNGLR 410 Stabie Gason v Mangu Clan & Special Land Titles Commission (20......
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