Madang Cocoa Growers Export Co Limited v Noilai Gunar and Gee Gunar and Madang Provincial Government (2013) N5324

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
JudgeCannings J
Judgment Date16 August 2013
CourtNational Court
Citation(2013) N5324
Docket NumberOS NO 297 0F 2011
Judgement NumberN5324

Full Title: OS NO 297 0F 2011; Madang Cocoa Growers Export Co Limited v Noilai Gunar and Gee Gunar and Madang Provincial Government (2013) N5324

National Court: Cannings J

Judgment Delivered: 16 August 2013




OS NO 297 0F 2011





First Defendant


Second Defendant


Third Defendant

Madang: Cannings J

2013: 17, 23 May, 16 August

COMPENSATION – assessment of amount of compensation to which plaintiff is entitled under previous judgment – tort of conversion – liability restricted to terms of judgment on liability.

The plaintiff succeeded at an earlier trial in establishing that it was entitled to exclusive possession of a warehouse, that its right of possession was unlawfully interfered with by the defendants and that its property was removed from the warehouse without permission. A cause of action tantamount to the tort of conversion was established against the defendants who were ordered to return the property, failing which they would be liable to pay to the plaintiff a reasonable sum by way of compensation to enable the warehouse and the plaintiff’s property to be put back in the condition it was in at a certain date. The question of the amount of compensation was referred to mediation but the mediation failed and the question returned to court for trial. The plaintiff claimed the total sum of K6,343,754.60, comprising ten components. The defendants submitted that the bulk of the claim was misconceived as the plaintiff was claiming compensation in respect of new causes of action over and above that which had been determined by the order of the court at the trial on liability, and that in respect of the components of the claim that properly fall within the scope of the order there was no credible evidence. The defendants submitted that nothing should be awarded.


(1) Eight components of the claim (totalling K5,760,270.60) were misconceived as they fell outside the scope of the order for payment of compensation.

(2) Two of the components of the claim (restoration of offices, K295,000.00, and equipment and furniture, K146,515.00) fell within the scope of the order for payment of compensation but there was insufficient evidence to justify awarding the amounts claimed. On the other hand the plaintiff succeeded in proving some losses, and the Court awarded K50,000.00 in respect of each component.

(3) Interest was awarded on the total amount of compensation (regarded as damages) under the Judicial Proceedings (Interest on Debts and Damages) Act Chapter No 52 at the rate of 8% per annum calculated from the date by which the defendants were ordered to return the plaintiff’s property, 31 July 2012, to the date of judgment, a total of K8,320.00.

(4) Liability for the total amount of compensation and interest of K108,320.00 was apportioned as: first defendant (2.5%) = K2,708.00, second defendant (7.5%) = K8,124.00, third defendant (90%) = K97,488.00.

Cases cited

The following cases are cited in the judgment:

Fuliva v Wagambie (2013) N5221

London Association for the Protection of Trade v Greenlands Ltd [1916] 2 AC 15

Madang Cocoa Growers Export Co Ltd v Noilai Gunar, Gee Gunar & Madang Provincial Government (2012) N4703

Madang Cocoa Growers Export Co Ltd v Noilai Gunar, Gee Gunar & Madang Provincial Government (2012) N4881

Madang Cocoa Growers Export Co Ltd v Noilai Gunar, Gee Gunar & Madang Provincial Government (2013) N4956


This was an assessment of compensation in accordance with an order of the National Court.


S Asivo, for the plaintiff, with leave of the Court

O Ore, for the first defendant

B W Meten, for the second defendant

Y Wadau, for the third defendant

16th August, 2013

1. CANNINGS J: The plaintiff, Madang Cocoa Growers Export Co Ltd, claims the sum of K6,343,754.60 pursuant to an order of this Court made on 25 June 2012 in proceedings commenced against three defendants, Noilai Gunar, Gee Gunar and Madang Provincial Government, regarding the occupation and use of the Number 2 Didiman Warehouse in Madang.

2. The plaintiff succeeded at an earlier trial (Madang Cocoa Growers Export Co Ltd v Noilai Gunar, Gee Gunar & Madang Provincial Government (2012) N4703) in establishing that:

· it was the lawful occupant of the warehouse pursuant to an agreement with the Provincial Government;

· the Provincial Government without consulting the plaintiff allocated the warehouse to Gee Gunar and used part of it for its own purposes;

· in early 2011 Gee Gunar, in collaboration with Noilai Gunar, unlawfully entered the warehouse, removed the plaintiff’s property and set up business there.

3. I ordered all defendants to vacate the warehouse by 31 July 2012 and that the plaintiff had the right to exclusive occupation and use of it from 1 August 2012 to 31 July 2014. As to the plaintiff’s property I ordered:

The defendants who, or whose associates, removed the plaintiff’s property from the Number 2 Didiman Station Warehouse, Madang, in the period since 31 December 2010, are obliged to return that property, in the condition in which it was in on 31 December 2010, to the plaintiff by 31 July 2012, failing which the relevant defendants shall pay to the plaintiff a reasonable sum by way of compensation to enable the warehouse and the plaintiff’s property to be put back in the condition they were in at 31 December 2010.

4. The defendants did not return the plaintiff’s property and did not vacate the warehouse and allow the plaintiff exclusive occupation of it by 31 July 2012. This led to the plaintiff commencing contempt proceedings against the defendants, which resulted in Gee Gunar and Madang Provincial Administrator Bernard Lange being convicted of contempt of court (Madang Cocoa Growers Export Co Ltd v Noilai Gunar, Gee Gunar & Madang Provincial Government (2012) N4881), and punished by six-month and twelve-month terms of imprisonment respectively (which have been suspended on various conditions including payment by them of compensation to the plaintiff: Madang Cocoa Growers Export Co Ltd v Noilai Gunar, Gee Gunar & Madang Provincial Government (2013) N4956).

5. Because the defendants did not return the plaintiff’s property by 31 July 2012 the plaintiff became entitled to compensation in terms of order No 5 of 25 June 2012. I did not specify the amount of compensation or who had to pay it and referred any dispute about such matters for mediation in accordance with the Alternative Dispute Resolution Rules. The mediation failed so the question of assessment of compensation has returned to court.

6. I granted leave to the plaintiff to file a statement of claim, which it did on 7 November 2011, and the defendants have filed defences. The plaintiff claims the total sum of K6,343,754.60, comprising ten components. The defendants submit that the bulk of the claim is misconceived as the plaintiff is claiming compensation in respect of new causes of action over and above that which had been determined by the order of the court at the trial on liability, and that in respect of the components of the claim that properly fall within the scope of the order there was no credible evidence. The defendants submit that nothing should be awarded. I will assess compensation by considering each of the ten components in turn.


7. The plaintiff claims that expenditure of this amount is necessary to restore the warehouse to working condition following damage caused by the defendants. The plaintiff relies on evidence of Simon Yanoda, Managing Director of Kwila Builders Ltd, who has testified that Kwila Builders was engaged in 2005 to fit out the warehouse and, having completed a scope of works, he estimates that K295,000.00 is necessary to bring the warehouse back to operating condition.

8. I uphold the defendants’ arguments that the evidence is deficient. I note that the value of the work done by Kwila Builders in 2005 was only K34,500.00. I will assess the amount of compensation in respect of the damage to the office fit-out as K50,000.00.


9. The plaintiff claims this amount in respect of missing office equipment including computers, printers, scanners, digital cameras and consumables.

10. I uphold the defendants’ arguments that the evidence is deficient. However, I reject their urgings to award nothing. The plaintiff has claimed since the commencement of these proceedings that its office equipment was removed unlawfully and I have accepted that claim. That is why in the judgment of 25 June 2012 I held that the plaintiff had proven a cause of action tantamount to conversion. I will assess the amount of compensation in respect of office equipment that has been removed unlawfully as K50,000.00.

3 LOSS OF PROFITS: K1,703,125.00

11. The plaintiff claims that this is the...

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