Marketing Your Personal Brand: Ethical Principles At Work
Whether you are in-house counsel or a business executive, your effectiveness as a professional depends in part on your ability to influence others. One way to enhance effectiveness is to brand yourself as a strong and competent leader through conscious direction, training and relationships. A personal brand reaches external audiences as well as internal stakeholders and should not be left to others to define.
NOTE: This document does not constitute legal advice.
Top 10 Considerations for Developing and Marketing Your "Brand"
Be authentic. Do not try to create an image of someone who is not at all like you. If you are not a sports enthusiast, do not try to talk like a "quarterback."
Be strategic. Consider the business goals that you would like to accomplish and stay ahead of the curve. Your brand should align with your strategic business plan and the goals of your organization.
Be self-aware. Know your strengths and weaknesses (i.e., "non-strengths"), and maximize your appeal and influence by playing to your strengths. Being a collaborative, team player is a plus but not if you are really a strong, independent thinker. Both can be assets, but do not lead your branding campaign with a weaker quality.
Focus on your professional competence See AICPA Code of Professional Conduct applicable to public accountants: Rule 502: "A member in public practice shall not seek to obtain clients by advertising or other forms of solicitation in a manner that is false, misleading, or deceptive." See ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct applicable to attorneys: Rule 7.1 requires that "[a] lawyer shall not make a false or misleading communication about the lawyer or the lawyer's services." Rule 7.4 provides: "(d) A lawyer shall not state or imply that a lawyer is certified as a specialist in a particular field of law, unless: (1) the lawyer has been certified as a specialist by an organization that has been approved by an appropriate state authority or that has been accredited by the American Bar Association; and (2) the name of the certifying organization is clearly identified in the communication." 4. Know your audience. Consider personality types and decision-making styles of your target audience (e.g., introvert vs. extrovert; importance of data). When trying to influence another decision-maker, consider when to lead with current news headlines, especially about competitors.
Get a coach. Executive coaches are a great resource, and...
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