The status of the LABOR LAW REFORM process is as follows:

  1. The Senate did not endorse or recommended any of the 4 bill initiatives presented in the regular legislative term.
  2. Until the end of the ordinary period, at the end of April, because there was not enough consensus to support any of the bills. The bill presented by Tereso Medina and Isaías González (PRI) carried the most weight but was unable to garner enough support to be passed into law, the Senate considered that it would open a period of "consultation" to go over such bills.
  3. At the Labor’s Day celebration, on May 1st, in the Presidential residence, it was absolutely clear that, given it is an election year and the lack of political will to support labor reform, any bill will be studied and voted on by the new Congress that will be elected next July and that will begin sessions starting on September 1st.
  4. It would be a true "miracle" that between September 1st and December 31st of the current year, which will be the first regular session of the next newly elected legislature, a preferred initiative could be presented by President Peña Nieto as a means to fast-track the labor reform bill into law. Personally, I do not believe it possible because it depends on who will be elected president and the partisan integration of congress. A very similar situation took place when Enrique Peña Nieto was president-elect and outgoing President in the lame-duck period, Felipe Calderón, pushed through the Labor Reform of November 2012 using the newly created...