PM's statement on silver revolution.

Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has said that Bangladesh has attained self-sufficiency in fish, boosting up the production by over 50 percent in last 11 years, following the effective and time- befitting measures of her government. The premier revealed this in parliament on Wednesday morning in replying a tabled question from a treasury-bench lawmaker. According to media reports, she also said new technologies of fish farming and production of seed fishes had been invented by the Bangladesh Fisheries Research Institute to protect 25 species of freshwater fishes from extinction. She said that Bangladesh produced a total of 43.84 lakh metric tons of fish in fiscal 2019-20 which was (27.01 lakh metric tons) 62.31 percent higher than of fiscal 2008- 09. As a result, Bangladesh has upgraded its position to second place in producing freshwater fishes as per the report of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and the country now becomes self-sufficient in fish. Moreover, each person in the country takes 62.25gm fish against the daily demand of 60gm now. There is indeed no reason to differ with what the prime minister told parliament about the ongoing silver revolution in the country if one considers the success story of Rajshahi in fish farming. There are scores of ponds on 13,050 hectares of land in the district producing 84,000 tons of fish annually. Moreover, the pisciculture entrepreneurs have invented a unique mechanism to supply live fish to the capital and other parts of the country. Every day, around 140 to 150 trucks of live fish valued around Tk 2 crore are supplied to different districts, including Dhaka. Besides, fish farming created employment for around 288,000 people in the district in the past couple of years. Not only that, the...

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