Saisie Judiciaires: Jersey Is 'Not The World's Policeman'

Mourant du Feu & Jeune has recently made a successful application on behalf of its client, Mr Gary Kaplan, to secure the discharge of a saisie judiciaire obtained at the United States' behest freezing all his realisable property situate in Jersey.

Internet gambling In 2007 US businessman Mr Kaplan was arrested in the Dominican Republic in connection with charges brought in Missouri by the United States in relation to his former internet gambling business, BetonSports Plc. Whilst BetonSports had been based outside the USA, the majority of its 1.2 million customers had been US citizens. The US Department of Justice viewed its activities as illegal and Mr Kaplan, having been placed on a rendition flight from the Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico, was placed in custody in Missouri.

Betonsports Plc had been floated on AIM in 2004 and the profits from the sale of its shares had found their way into two Jersey trusts whose sole trustee at the time was a Jersey...

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