Stand united against anti-state propaganda, plots: Quader.

Awami League General Secretary Obaidul Quader Sunday sounded a veiled alarm as he urged all, including pro-liberation forces and development- seekers, to stand united to resist all "anti-state propaganda and plots". He made the call while speaking at a virtual press briefing on contemporary affairs from his official residence in Dhaka, incidentally when some opposition political parties are letting out incendiary rhetoric. Quader, also the road transport and bridges minister, said Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's continuous efforts to build a non-communal and liberal democratic state by eradicating communalism must be strengthened. "That is why," he said, "all should remain united against the anti-state propaganda and conspiracies." The AL general secretary said a vested quarter is spreading propaganda over the COVID-19 vaccine issue while BNP raised imaginary allegations of corruption in vaccine management even before their procurement. 'Now they are falsifying about vaccine management. The BNP's imaginary allegations and propaganda over COVID-19 vaccines are interconnected,' he added. Quader said their political arch rival, BNP, is doing dirty politics over this without standing by the destitute people during the coronavirus pandemic, and the party did the same over its chairperson Khaleda Zia's treatment in the past. About the committees of the AL's affiliated bodies, he said several district committees and AL Dhaka city-unit committees have already been approved. The district committees and other committees which have not been given approval yet will be approved following...

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