Supreme Court Rules That Adding ".com" To A Generic Term Can Result In A Protectable Mark

Published date03 July 2020
Law FirmRopes & Gray LLP
AuthorMr Peter Brody, Emilia F. Cannella, Evan Gourvitz, Erica L. Han and Gabriel M. Gillmeyer

In v. United States Patent and Trademark Office, 591 U.S. ___ (2020), the Supreme Court rejected the United States Patent and Trademark Office's (PTO) proposed rule that all marks that combine a generic term with an Internet domain name suffix such as '.com' are per se generic and therefore unprotectable. According to the Court, such a 'sweeping' rule is inconsistent with the principles of trademark law, and '' marks can be protectable if consumers recognize the mark as an identifier of the source of certain goods and/or services.


In 2011 and 2012, B.V. (, which maintains a travel reservation website at the domain name , filed U.S. applications to register its service mark BOOKING.COM (word mark and stylized versions) for online hotel reservations and related services. The PTO rejected the applications, finding that 'booking' was generic for those services, and the addition of the '.com' top-level domain (TLD), which itself is generic, did not make the mark protectable.

On appeal, the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia disagreed, holding that 'when combined with an SLD [second-level domain], a TLD generally has source identifying significance and the combination of a generic SLD and a TLD is generally a descriptive mark that is protectable upon a showing of acquired...

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