Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) is the most legitimate president-elect in modern Mexican history. With over 50% of voters, AMLO’s numbers were unpredictable and are unparalleled by any of his predecessors: Fox 42%, Calderon 35%, Peña Nieto 38%.

With over thirty million votes AMLO crushed the two opposing parties that would not have even matched up if they sided together and added their voters.

Mexico might be a developing country, but proved last July 1st that democracy is alive and well south of the American border.

When AMLO takes office December 1st 2018 he will also assume a historic presidency with the broadest mandate in recent history. Not only did the majority of voters give him the presidency but also majority in Federal Congress and allies in key state governments across the country.

His campaign built on an anti-corruption platform resounded with a vast majority and only one thing can be assumed: Mexico was simply finished with what has proven to be one of the most corrupt federal and state administrations in history. The status quo of Mexican daily lives was proved completely inadequate for families as insecurity reigned in the streets. More over, liability concerns for foreign investors was skyrocketing alongside costs for prevention and securing foreign directors in an otherwise hostile environment.

What can be expected in terms of labor and employment?

AMLO is appointing youngest staff member as federal secretary of labor. Luisa Maria Alcalde Lujan (Born in 1987) will be appointed and is a well-spoken woman with legal studies in UNAM and Berkeley. Her take on employment seems to be objective and is backed by her father who is a well-known and respected attorney and scholar who has dedicated his life to labor and employment issues. A well-spoken and intelligent second-generation labor and employment attorney with a solid knowledge of unions, workers and employers is an advantage for an administration that will naturally have to revolve around employment policies.

In terms of agriculture and migration, cross border employment is something that president-elect and Donald Trump are going to have to sit down and converse. Compared to all other previous presidents, Obrador has been outspoken about migratory workers and all implications nationwide. Hopes are that development and sustainable jobs in Mexico reduce migration to the USA.

Sustainability and development in labor and employment are predicated on productivity and thus, the next...