The State v Joyce Pora Frank

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
JudgeAuka, AJ
Judgment Date16 June 2016
Citation(2016) N6343
CourtNational Court
Judgement NumberN6343

Full : CR (FC) No 252 of 2015; The State v Joyce Pora Frank (2016) N6343

National Court: Auka, AJ

Judgment Delivered: 16 June 2016




CR (FC) N0. 252 OF 2015




Porgera: Auka, AJ

2016: 21st March & 16th June

CRIMINAL LAW Sentence – Obtaining goods or credit by false pretence or wilfully false promise – Plea of guilty – Obtained Ten Thousand Kina cash - Promised to repay full amount with profit – Failed to repay – Sentence of 3 years – Suspend sentence – Criminal Code S. 404 (1) (a) and S.19

Case Cited:

Avia Aihi v. The State (No.3) [1982] PNGLR 92

Doreen Lipiri v. The State (2001) SC 637

Goli Golu v. The State [1979] PNGLR 92

Lawrence Simbe v. The State [1994] PNGLR 38

Public Prosecutor v. William Bruce Tardew [1986] PNGLR 91

The State v. Angela Tokonai, Unreported Judgement dated 17th May, 2012

The State v. Dorcas Boski (2014) N5814

The State v. Roselyn Waiembi (2008) N3708

The State v. Steven Luva (2010) N3909

The State v. John Kil (2000) PNGLR 253

The State v. John Gaibole Dickson Larry (2011) N4455

The State v. Morris Yepin (2005) N2875

The State v. Ivan Bob (2013) N5382

Wellington Belawa v. The State (1988-89) PNGLR 496


Mr. Joe Waine, for the State

Mr. Robert Bellie, for the Accused


16the June, 2016

1. AUKA AJ: The accused pleaded guilty to a Count of Obtaining goods or Credit by false Pretence under Section 404 (1) (a) of the Criminal Code Chapter No. 262.

2. The brief facts of the case were that, between the months of October and November, 2015 the accused approached the victim Evelyn Opa to borrow Ten thousand Kina for her to start off a gold buying business in Porgera. She entered into a verbal agreement with the victim that when she makes enough money she will repay the Ten Thousand Kina with profit in cash. And as it happened on 19th November, 2015 the victim went to the bank and withdrew Ten Thousand Kina in cash and gave it to the accused on the agreement that accused will repay her the money with profit. Accused took the Ten Thousand Kina in cash and instead of using the money in the proposed gold buying business she used the money for her own personal use. The victim after a long wait and despite several follow-ups with the accused to repay her the money with profit it turned out that accused did not have the money and as such failed to repay the Ten Thousand Kina with profit to the victim. The victim reported the matter to Police and accused was arrested and charged and detained.

3. On her statement on allocatus the accused said that she can pay back the money within 8 months from the little income she makes. She asked the court to have mercy on her.

4. Mr. Bellie in his submission on Sentence, submitted that accused is aged 28 years old from Poporal village, Mount Hagen in Western Highlands Province. She is married with four (4) children. Her father and month are alive. She has three brothers and six sisters. She is the first born in the family of ten children. She only completed grade 9 at Mount Hagen Park Secondary School. She is self employed in small scale business activities like buying vegetables and second hand clothes and selling them and earns about one thousand to one thousand five hundred kina per month.

5. She was arrested for the offence on 13th May, 2013 and was in custody until 27th July, 2013. She was in custody for 2 months 14 days before released on K500. 00 cash bail.

6. Mr. Bellie asked the Court to consider in accused favour the following matters:

1. That accused pleaded guilty

2. That she is first time offender

3. That she has raised her intention to repay the money within 8 months

4. That she acted alone

5. That this is not a case that affected the Public interest.

7. Mr. Bellie submitted that guided by the sentencing guidelines in the often cited case of Wellington Belawa v. The State [1988-89] PNGLR 496, the Supreme Court said that where the amount is between K10, 000. 00 and K40, 000.00 a gaol term of 2 to 3 years is appropriate.

8. Mr. Bellie referred the Court to the following National Court cases. Firstly The State v. Angela Tokonai, unreported Judgement dated 17th May, 2012. The accused pleaded guilty to the charge of obtaining goods by False Pretence and His Honour Cannings J sentenced her to 3 years reduced by 4 months 2 weeks for pre-trial custody term. The remaining term was wholly suspended. This was a case where the accused falsely pretended to the victim that she had sufficient funds in her bank account and drew a cheque for K15, 865.50 to pay him for Sea Cucumber. Few days later victim presented the cheque but it was dishonoured and the accused failed to make good the debt.

9. In the case of The State v. Dorcas Boski (2014) N5814 the accused pleaded guilty to one Count of obtaining K12, 000.00 from a male victim by False Pretence. The accused was a Rental Sales Representative with Avis Rent A Car in Mt. Hagen. The victim approached the accused for purchase of a Motor Vehicle that her employer was selling and she promised to organise its sale and purchase to him on staff price. The victim deposited with the accused K16, 000. 00, but after a long while and despite several follow ups, the motor vehicle was never delivered to him. The victim then involved a debit Collection Agency to pursue the matter with the accused. The accused managed to repay K4, 000. 00 to the victim and undertook to pay the balance later, but failed. His Honour David J sentenced the accused to 3 years, reduced by 2 months for pre-trial custodial term and the remaining term suspended on terms.

10. Mr. Waine of Counsel for the State did not make submission on Sentence.

11. The maximum penalty for the offence of obtaining goods or credit by False Pretences or by wilful false promise under Section 404 (1) of the Criminal Code is imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years.

12. The Court has a general discretion to impose lower sentence with or without other forms of punishment enumerated in S.19 of the Criminal Code.

13. It is an established principle that the maximum penalty should be reserved for the worst type case, Goli Golu v. The State [1959] PNGLR 653, Avia Aihi v. The State (No. 3) [1982] PNGLR 92. In my view the accused’s case is not the worst type.

14. It is also an established principle that each case should be considered on its own facts and circumstances, Lawrence Simbe v. The State [1994] PNGLR 38.

15. The Supreme Court decision of Wellington Belawa (Supra) is the leading case authority in this jurisdiction for the offence of Misappropriation and it sets out the Sentencing guidelines for that offence inclusive of the factors that are to be considered and the tariff to apply. There appears to be concurrence by the Court’s with general consistency that apart from misappropriation cases, the sentencing guidelines in Wellington Belawa should also apply to all cases involving an element of dishonestly such as those concerning forgery, obtaining goods by false pretences, fraud, stealing and the like in the absence of appropriate sentencing guidelines for those particular offences; eg, The State v. Roselyn Waiembi (2008) N3708, The State v. Steven Luva (2010) N3909.

16. In the same case of Wellington Belawa (Supra), the Supreme Court recommended that the following factors should be taken into account when determining what penalty to impose on an offender and these are:

1. the amount taken;

2. the quality and degree of trust reposed in the offender;

3. the period over which the offence was perpetrated;

4. the use to which money or property dishonestly taken was put;

5. the effect upon the victim;

6. the impact of the offence on the public and public confidence;

7. the effect on fellow employees or partners;

8. the effect upon the offender himself or herself;

9. the offenders own history;

10. whether restitution was made to the victim;

11. matters of mitigation special to the offender himself or herself, such as ill health, young or old age, effect of excessive nervous strain, co-operation with the police.

17. The Supreme Court in the same case of Wellington Belawa (Supra) also recommended a tariff of sentences to be adjusted upward or downward depending on the various factors mentioned above. The Supreme Court said that where the amount misappropriated is between:

1. K1.00 and K1000. 00, a gaol term should rarely be imposed;

2. K1000 and K10, 000.00, a gaol term of up to 2 years;

3. K10, 000.00 and K40, 000. 00, a gaol term of 2 years; and

4. K40, 000. 00 to K150, 000.00, a gaol term of 3 to 5 years.

18. It is generally accepted now that while the factors set out in Wellington Belawa are still relevant, the tariff recommended is outdated and therefore there is a need to impose increased sentence due to the prevalent of the offence. However, the Court still has a considerable discretion under S. 19 of the Code to impose an appropriate sentence, depending on the peculiar facts and circumstances of a particular case.

19. Applying the factors recommended in the...

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