The State v Mathias Klingio Siapan Rat

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
JudgeCannings J
Judgment Date23 August 2014
Citation(2014) N5783
CourtNational Court
Judgement NumberN5783

Full : CR NO 875 of 2004; The State v Mathias Klingio Siapan Rat (2014) N5783

National Court: Cannings J

Judgment Delivered: 23 August 2014




CR NO 875 OF 2004






Kimbe: Cannings J

2014: 7, 18, 20, 23 August

CRIMINAL LAW – sentence – armed robbery – Criminal Code, Sections 386(1), (2)(a) and (b)guilty plea – store robbery – K18,500.00 stolen.

A man pleaded guilty to committing an armed robbery of a store. The store manager and employees were held up and threatened. K3, 500.00 cash and store goods worth K15, 000.00 were stolen. This is the judgment on sentence.


(1) The maximum sentence for armed robbery is life imprisonment.

(2) Mitigating factors are: the offender pleaded guilty; he has no prior convictions; he had a minimal role; though violence was threatened, no actual physical violence was inflicted.

(3) Aggravating factors are: a large amount of money stolen, which has not been recovered; the offender acted in a gang; victims inevitably traumatised by the incident; the offender broke bail (or escaped) and a bench warrant was issued in 2004, resulting in long delay in resolving case.

(4) A sentence of four years was imposed, the pre-sentence period in custody was deducted and no part of the sentence was suspended.

Cases cited

The following cases are cited in the judgment:

Gimble v The State [1988-1989] PNGLR 271

Phillip Kassman v The State (2004) SC759

Public Prosecutor v Don Hale (1998) SC564

Saperus Yalibakut v The State (2006) SC890

Tau Jim Anis v The State (2000) SC642

The State v Aaron Lahu (2005) N2798

The State v Alphonse Polpolio and Jeffery Baru (2006) N4514

The State v Dickson Kauboi CR No 495/2001, 07.06.06

The State v Jacky Vutnamur & Kaki Kialo (No 3) (2005) N2919

The State v Justin Komboli (2005) N2891

The State v Kia Tala Moksy CR 785/2005, 12.08.05

The State v Lesley Cletus Malo (2006) N4520


This was a judgment on sentence for armed robbery.


F K Popeu, for the State

D Kari, for the offender

23rd August, 2014

1. CANNINGS J: This is the sentence for Mathias Klingio Siapan Rat who pleaded guilty to one count of armed robbery and has been convicted of that offence under Sections 386(1) and (2)(a) and (b)of the Criminal Code. The robbery was committed on Friday 5 March 2004 at Hoskins. He boarded a boat at Gigo with a number of others and they went to Hoskins, there being a number of weapons on board: three homemade guns, two pinch bars, a crowbar, a bushknife and a slingshot. Upon arrival at about 8.00 pm, his friends went to the Centre Point Trading store, gained entry to the premises, held up the female manager and employees, and stole K3,500.00 cash and store goods worth K15,000.00.


2. The offender has no prior convictions.


3. The offender was given the opportunity to address the court. He said:

“I say sorry to the court for what I have done. It happened a long time ago. I am now married and I have a block. Both parents are deceased. I am the only one looking after the family. I was only the watchman. I ask for mercy and a non-custodial sentence.”

Other Matters of Fact

4. As the offender has pleaded guilty he will be given the benefit of reasonable doubt on mitigating matters raised in the depositions, the allocutus or in submissions that are not contested by the prosecution (Saperus Yalibakut v The State (2006) SC890). I will take into account that he made admissions to Police when interviewed at Buluma on 8 March 2004.

Pre-Sentence Report

5. The court was presented with a report prepared by the Kimbe office of the Community Based Corrections Service.

Personal details of Mathias Klingio




Marital status


















Aulo, Kandrian


married with two children, stable, happy

both parents deceased; last born in family of 7

grade 3

has current employment with a timber company – mechanic

farmer, mechanic



Submissions by Defence Counsel

6. Mr Kari put forward a number of mitigating factors: the guilty plea, the lack of prior conviction, minimal involvement. He submitted that a sentence of no more than three years imprisonment is warranted, which should be suspended because of the strong mitigating factors.

Submissions by the State

7. Mr Popeu countered by submitting that the offender played a major role as he was the skipper. Aaron Lahu (The State v Aaron Lahu (2005) N2798) was given three years. This offender should receive four.

Decision Making Process

8. To determine the appropriate penalty I will adopt the following decision making process:

· step 1: what is the maximum penalty?

· step 2: what is a proper starting point?

· step 3: what sentences have been imposed for equivalent offences?

· step 4: what is the head sentence?

· step 5: should the pre-sentence period in custody be deducted?

· step 6: should all or part of the sentence be suspended?

Step 1: What Is The Maximum Penalty?

9. For armed robbery (Criminal Code, Sections 386(1), (2), (a) and (b)) – the maximum penalty is life imprisonment. However, I have discretion to impose less than the maximum term and suspend part or the entire sentence under Section 19 of the Criminal Code.

Step 2: What Is A Proper Starting Point?

10. The Supreme Court has given sentencing guidelines in a number of leading cases: Gimble v The State [1988-1989] PNGLR 271; Public Prosecutor v Don Hale (1998) SC564; Tau Jim Anis v The State (2000) SC642; and Phillip Kassman v The State (2004) SC759. Nowadays the starting points are: robbery of a house: ten years; robbery of a bank: nine years; robbery of a store, hotel, club, vehicle on the road: eight years; robbery of a person on the street: six years. This was a store robbery. The starting point is eight years.

Step 3: What Other Sentences Have Been Imposed For Equivalent Offences?

11. Some recent sentences for store robberies are shown in the following table.

Sentences for Store Robberies






The State v Kia Tala Moksy CR 785/2005, 12.08.05

Guilty plea – Kimbe Mega Mart store – sole offender – firearm discharged – K1,120.00 stolen.

10 years


The State v Justin Komboli (2005) N2891

Trial conducted and sentence passed in absence of offender, who had escaped from custody – trade store robbery, Kavui, near Hoskins – armed with beer bottles, sticks and stones – store goods stolen – sole offender.

4 years


The State v Jacky Vutnamur & Kaki Kialo (2005) N2919

Guilty pleas – two offences – in company with others – mature aged offenders – firearms used – robbery of Kapiura Trading Supermarket (K40,000.00 stolen).

12 years, 12 years


The State v Dickson Kauboi CR No 495/2001, 07.06.06

Trial – Commodore Bay Company payroll robbery, Kimbe – in company with three other persons – mature aged man – K3,000.00 stolen.

8 years


The State v Alphonse Polpolio and Jeffery Baru (2006

Guilty pleas – two store robberies, Kandrian – in company with one other person – mature aged man – K2,807.00 stolen in first robbery – K21,530.00 stolen in second robbery.

5 years,

5 years,

9 years,

9 years


The State v Lesley Cletus Malo (2006) N4520

Guilty plea – Spirit of West New Britain robbery, Kimbe – in company with other persons – innocent person stabbed – approx K165,000.00 stolen.

8 years

Step 4: What Is The Head Sentence?

12. The head sentence will reflect the following mitigating and aggravating factors.

13. Mitigating factors:

· the offender pleaded guilty;

· he has no prior convictions;

· he had a minimal role;

· though violence was threatened, no actual physical violence was inflicted.

14. Aggravating factors:

· a large amount of money stolen, which has not been recovered;

· the offender acted in a gang;

· victims inevitably traumatised by the incident;

· the offender broke bail (or escaped) and a bench warrant was issued in 2004, resulting in long delay in resolving case.

15. The aggravating and mitigating factors are evenly matched. This was a very serious robbery and it has taken a long time for the offender to own up to his involvement. Comparing this case with the precedents referred to and applying the principle of parity of sentencing (in relation to Lahu), I uphold the position of the State and impose a sentence of four years imprisonment.

Step 5: Should The Pre-Sentence Period In Custody Be Deducted From The Term Of Imprisonment?

16. Yes. I decide under Section 3(2) of the Criminal Justice (Sentences) Act that that will be deducted from the term of imprisonment the whole of the pre-sentence period in custody, which is six months.

Step 6: Should All or Part of the Sentence Be Suspended?

17. No. The seriousness of this major armed robbery, involving firearms, and the fact that the offender broke bail or escaped and has been at large for a long time mean that there...

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