The State v Nickson Sambura and Trophimus Sambura (2002) N2219

JurisdictionPapua New Guinea
CourtNational Court
Citation(2002) N2219
Date18 April 2002

Full Title: The State v Nickson Sambura and Trophimus Sambura (2002) N2219

National Court: Jalina J

Judgment Delivered: 18 April 2002

1 Criminal Law—Sentence—Murder—Belief in sorcery—Deceased shot with a gun—Plea of guilty—Belief in sorcery as a mitigating factor—Criminal Code s300.

2 Lawrence Simbe v The State [1994] PNGLR 38 referred to


Jalina J: These prisoners have pleaded guilty to one count of murder of one Spencer Opusa at Garuro Village, Oro Bay on the morning of Sunday 13 August 2000. Their co–accused Johnson Taimbari pleaded not guilty.

The acceptance of their plea of guilty was then deferred pending the trial of the accused Johnson Taimbari. The trial took the form of Counsel for the State tendering depositions by consent of Defence Counsel (except for the record of interview of the Sambura brothers) and both counsels making submissions. Following acquittal of Johnson Taimbari, I then proceed to read the record of interview after they were tendered by the State Prosecutor and convicted both accuseds for murder as charged.

Evidence shows that people in and around Garuro Village have become extremely concerned at the loss of life of many of their villagers as well as many others suffering from illness which hospital authorities could not diagnose. Consequently, they believed that those deaths and illnesses were through sorcery that someone was working against them but could not determine the actual person. Even police were called in to deal with the problem.

Even the prisoner Trophimus Sambura has...

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11 practice notes
  • John Baipu v The State (2005) SC796
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • July 1, 2005
    ...State (1998) SC577, Agoara Kebo and Karunai Uraki v The State (1981) SC198, The State v Aiaka Karavea (1984) N452(M), The State v Sambura (2002) N2219, The State v Samson Sisi (2002) CR 1486 of 2002, The State v Jude Gena (2004) N2649, The State v Wilfred Opu Yamande N'danabet (2004) N2728,......
  • The State v Malachi Mathias and John Giamalu (2011) N4670
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • September 9, 2011
    ...N2649; The State v John Siume [2006] PGNC 112 CR No's 384 & 385 of 2003; The State v Maraka Jackson (2006) N3237; The State v Sambura (2002) N2219; The State v Sedoki Lota (2007) N3183; The State v Siune Arnold (1997) N1658; The State v Urari Siviri (2004) N2747; The State v Wilfred Opu Yam......
  • Irai Thomas v The State (2007) SC867
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • August 28, 2007
    ...Aia Moroi [1985] PNGLR 78; Kwayawako v The State [1990] PNGLR 6; Lawrence Hindemba v. The State, (27/10/98) SC593; The State v. Sambura (2002) N2219; The State v. Boat Yokum & Ors. (04/12/02) N2337; The State v. Francis Kuta Amet & Ors, CR1418 of 2002 & CR688 of 2003, unreported and unnumbe......
  • The State v Elison Tayamina (No 3) (2013) N5288
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • May 10, 2013
    ...17th of November 2000) The State v Apa Kuman [2000] PNGLR 319 The State v Boat Yokum (2002) N2337 The State v. Nickson Sambura & Anor (2002) N2219 The State v. John Baiga, CR 733 of 2003(Unreported and unpublished judgment dated 09th & 23rd July 2003 Joseph Mangi & Ors (2004) SC741 The Stat......
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11 cases
  • John Baipu v The State (2005) SC796
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • July 1, 2005
    ...State (1998) SC577, Agoara Kebo and Karunai Uraki v The State (1981) SC198, The State v Aiaka Karavea (1984) N452(M), The State v Sambura (2002) N2219, The State v Samson Sisi (2002) CR 1486 of 2002, The State v Jude Gena (2004) N2649, The State v Wilfred Opu Yamande N'danabet (2004) N2728,......
  • The State v Malachi Mathias and John Giamalu (2011) N4670
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • September 9, 2011
    ...N2649; The State v John Siume [2006] PGNC 112 CR No's 384 & 385 of 2003; The State v Maraka Jackson (2006) N3237; The State v Sambura (2002) N2219; The State v Sedoki Lota (2007) N3183; The State v Siune Arnold (1997) N1658; The State v Urari Siviri (2004) N2747; The State v Wilfred Opu Yam......
  • Irai Thomas v The State (2007) SC867
    • Papua New Guinea
    • Supreme Court
    • August 28, 2007
    ...Aia Moroi [1985] PNGLR 78; Kwayawako v The State [1990] PNGLR 6; Lawrence Hindemba v. The State, (27/10/98) SC593; The State v. Sambura (2002) N2219; The State v. Boat Yokum & Ors. (04/12/02) N2337; The State v. Francis Kuta Amet & Ors, CR1418 of 2002 & CR688 of 2003, unreported and unnumbe......
  • The State v Elison Tayamina (No 3) (2013) N5288
    • Papua New Guinea
    • National Court
    • May 10, 2013
    ...17th of November 2000) The State v Apa Kuman [2000] PNGLR 319 The State v Boat Yokum (2002) N2337 The State v. Nickson Sambura & Anor (2002) N2219 The State v. John Baiga, CR 733 of 2003(Unreported and unpublished judgment dated 09th & 23rd July 2003 Joseph Mangi & Ors (2004) SC741 The Stat......
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