The youth have to move forward.

The young people have to forget self-centred ness and like in the time of the Liberation War , they have to lead the society. The youth should not be untilsed for selfish reasons including political reasons. The youth have to atke lessons from the incidents in Afghanistan The youth have to introduce our history, traditions and culture on the world stage. The youth have to remember that we have gained independence through the life sacrifice of 30 lakh shaheeds.

The country is now looking towards the young world. Let the youth build up Bangladesh. Mahbubuddin Choudhury Faridabad, Gandaria Movies The infrastructure and environment of our cinema halls have not improved. Improvement is necessary now. Many do not go to the cinema halls and even do not encourage their children to go. If the film makers want commercial success , for making films, many a time they are disappointed.

WE do not listen to the stories of films from people. The movies of social appeal are not seen nowadays. In the past seeing films with the family was fun. It is necessary to make entertaining films that reflect the social problems and their solutions. The message of empowerment of women can be reached to the people through films. Obscene and drinking scenes have to be omitted.

Films are the reflection of our minds. So films should not be made that harm the society. Films are needed that educate the common people. Sanjay Kumar Bhowmik Srimangal Appeal of the Pensioners I am a retired senior principal officer of a nationalized bank. I get a net pension of only Taka 6953.

The government from 13 July , 2013 gave permission to allow twenty percent D. A. Nobody will get more than taka 6000 and less than taka 1500. But I am getting only 1318 takas as D. A. I have heard that there will be a regular salary scale for nationalized banks I am requesting that there should be lowest net pension for the pensioned officers.

Choudhury Ali Safdar Mirpur, Dhaka Increase in medicine prices The pharmaceutical companies are increasing the prices of medicines at their own sweet will. The government is silent about this. Most of our people are poor and of lower middle class. They find it difficult to run their family. House rent, gas, current , prices of fish and vegetables and the teaching of children is taking away most of the family budget. Paying for medicines is becoming difficult. And if the price of medicines increase now and then then we have to die without taking medicines.


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