Trusted by 80 US bar associations

Fastcase is a comprehensive U.S. legal law library, including case law, statutes, regulations, court rules, constitutions, and law review articles.

Trusted by over 80 associations

Comprehensive U.S. coverage

Fastcase brings the whole national law library to your desktop, with online access to a legal research database of cases, statutes, regulations, court rules, and bar publications, right at your fingertips.

Fastcase is proud to partner with over 80 national, state, and county bar associations across the United States to provide legal software and solutions as a free member benefit.

Bar Association Partners
Comprehensive U.S. coverage


Access everything you expect and need, from primary law to secondary resources, dockets with practice area briefs and motions, as well as practice area forms.

User friendly

This powerful suite of tools helps you work efficiently to complete research, tracking, and filling so you can spend more time engaging with your clients.

Smartly priced

Honest and transparent pricing for solo and small law firms includes support and supplemental services to help you manage your practice smartly.

Locate the most relevant case


Locate the most relevant case

  • Federal and 50-state constitutions, case law, statutes, and codes.
  • Locate the most relevant cases faster with Fastcase proprietary research tools such as the Interactive Timeline and Authority Check.
  • Unlimited printing, shareable public links, and more to make collaboration easier.
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New documents added per day.


Citations and connections between documents.


Searchable documents and dockets.

Authority Check

Quickly find cited authorities

Navigate all cited authorities within a documents using the Fastcase Authority Check, and find supporting arguments with ease.

Quickly find cited authorities
Find the information you need


Find the information you need

Explore the law and view the statute or code in expandable outline format, giving your a full overview to find the information you need.

vLex and Fastcase merge to form world’s largest global law library Learn more

Document management

Manage your research

Bookmark, create alerts and view the history of your research all in one place.

Manage your research

Fastcase resources

Explore all of our resources for Fastcase below, including videos, webinars and much more.

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